Among elongated mauve lavender fields lies the small village of Valensole. This charming small town has retained its Provencal character. It is good base for trips in the Gorge du Verdon. Here are the two or three hotels and several small bed-and -breakfasts, and they can assist with arranging activities in the Gorge du Verdon.
Lavender is traditionally the main source of income in the area and this is quite noticeably in the city. The harvest is celebrated every year with a lavender festival in early/mid July. Honey from Lavender is one of the great local products you can expect to taste, but they also produce many other good ingredients – such as truffles, almond and olive. Le Grand Café has great food and pleasant surroundings.
Outside the town is the castle Château du Grand Jardin, which is a very stylish hotel with a good restaurant: