If you plan a travel to Provence, it is almost mandatory with a visit to the charming town of Avignon. The city has since the early Middle Ages been the focal point of the region, especially since it was also the seat of the popes who resided there in the years 1307 to 1378. Avignon is currently listed as a UNESCO World Heritage List, mostly because of its many historical sites.
Lying on the banks of the Rhone, it’s easy to be charmed by the little narrow streets, the impressive architectural masterpieces, and the many restored buildings from the Middel Ages situated throughout the city. Especially Palais des Papes (Palace of the popes) is worth a visit. Here you can enter and take a closer look at the old wall paintings. The sandstone plastered walls are particularly beautiful at night as it can bee seen from the Rhône bank, where it majestic mirrores in the river water at sunset.
If you choose to visit to the city in July you have the opportunities to attend the annual theater festival, where artists, individual actors and theater companies filles the city. Both traditional and nontraditional theater arts meet in the established stages in the city and on the streets. Every street corner can suddenly transform into an impulsive theater, and the city is filled with artists, dancers, painters and pantomime artists.
There are many possibilities for accommodation in Avignon, and you can stay in accommodation ranging from simple to luxurious hotels. In high season it might be a good idea to pre-book , but if you arrive by car, it is possible to find vacant hotels only a bit outside the city.
The city is characterized by the traditional French cuisine but international cuisine is also available.
If you travel with children to the city, there are several popular amusement parks, one of which contains a large oldfashion carousel. However, please note that some attractions close early outside the normal tourist season.