Narbonne, or “Narbo”, as the locals often call the city is beautifully situated in the southern parts of France, in the Languedoc-Roussillon region, 849 kilometers from Paris. The city was founded as early as year 118 BC, and has since then been a major hub until the Middle Ages when the port activities went down considerably, not least because of the Black Death that ravaged Europe. In the 1500s, the residents of the city itself once again decided to be an important trading hub and cleared the river Aude, so the city again became connected with the Mediterranean.
Have you first made the trip to Narbonne, there are a wealth of sights to visit. One can visit the Cathedral, Saint-Just, one can stroll along the old Roman road Via Domitia or visit Horreum, Roman ancient underground depot.
If you like shopping the halls of Narbonne really are worth a visit, but one should be early. They normally opens at seven in the morning and close early in the afternoon. In return, they are open all days of the week, Sunday included.
After a hectic morning in the halls , you might be tempted with a walk in the small narrow streets of the city, or perhaps a swim, if it gets too hot. Then you can choose between the outdoor swimming facility Espace de Liberté, or head to Narbonne Plage, located barely 15 km from the city center. Here awaits a wonderful sandy beach and azure waters of the Mediterranean . If you’d like more than just to swim, it’s recommended to take a trip to Port la Nouvelle, a nice little harbor town 25 km south of Narbonne, where there is excellent opportunities for fishing, surfing, diving and sailing.
There are lots of places to eat in Narbonne, and you can pick and choose from from stylish small cafees with traditional French cuisine to modern restaurants with international menues. Like most other places in France it is recommended to try the local cuisine, not to mention the local wines. Especially wines from the vineyard L’Hospitalet get a lot of praise, and you can also visit the winery for tasting, if you wish.
If there are children on the ride there are many activities for them as well. Special family beaches and hotels and an exciting zoo, where you drive around in your car to see the African animals, and then proceed by foot. An excellent opportunity to bring a picnic basket and really go exploring. If you do not bring a car you can rent one in Narbonne, and doing so you can also explore the areas around the city and visit some of the many fortresses and castles in the area. Carcassonne with its well-preserved medieval castle is one of France’s most visited attraction, along with the monastery in Frontfroide. A drive along the coast down to Collioure and a walk along the Spanish border is also beautiful with a magnificent terrain, however, be prepared for some traffic in high season.